Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sushi For Sushi

Today, I went to eat the a kind of food that I think that nine out of ten people will have this kind of food as their top three food to eat. Sushi, I don’t think or recall ever hearing anyone saying, “I hate sushi, it’s the nastiness thing in the world”. Since I haven’t had sushi in awhile that first bite of T.N.T roll I had was amazing. It was like the first time I heard the Beatles. Excuse me. I’m getting a little ahead of myself right now. Sushi tends to be people favorite food because it’s not a part of most people’s daily diet. Being bite sizes and made easy to eat makes it amazing. People can either devour their California Roll in one bite or bite a quarter of it and savior that mouth-watering crap meat.

My friends and I were eating at a locate sushi restaurant that’s very close to Cal State Long Beach called Niko Niko Sushi. If you never heard of the place before it’s in the same shopping center as Ralph, Yogurt Land and Cha For Tea, which is on the 7th and Bellflower. I never eaten there before, but it was a good experience. What makes sushi appealing to most people is because there are several different varieties of sushi. Some made with just chewy raw meat and sticky rice, but the more extravagant ones are made to attract the customers like a pretty walking down the street trying to make money. Besides the sushi, there’s orange fish eggs, tiny green onions, watery pink shrimps, white mayonnaise, and blackish brown soy sauces all combine together to create a fantastic sushi dish that attracts called the T.N.T. I’ve forgotten how many different kinds of sushi dishes there are, but Niko Niko Sushi had some dishes I had never heard before such as Hungry Roll, Sexy Salmon, Dragon Roll, Funky Roll, and several more. I wish I could have tried all of their forty-one different kinds of dishes, but it would have been too expensive for my wallet.

That’s another thing about sushi; it’s pricier than other foods out there. My dish cost about ten dollars which is reasonable for sushi, but if I were to pick the restaurant I’ve would have picked Onami sushi because it’s all you can eat and I love all you can eat. It’s about sixteen dollars for lunch and twenty dollars for dinner, which I think is a great price for a sushi buffet. At this instant, I don’t actually know the reason why it’s so expensive. I can assume several possibilities such as the seafood that they buy is high quality, it’s made for presentation and taste, or maybe because customers love it so much that they can rack up the price and make a killing off of it.

Well, the sushi I ordered was delicious. It was a T.N.T roll that consisted of shrimp tempura, California rolls and special sauce. When the dish came out it had 7 rolls and I was surprise how full I’ve gotten off of it because it was gone in two seconds. I really enjoyed it. My friend had my second choice which was the Hungry Roll. When it came out the rolls were in single filed line and placed on top of aluminum foil. The aluminum foil was only there to hold it together because it was huge. It had Unagi (eel), avocado, crab meat, cucumber, salmon, and fried shrimp tempura, which I think was amazing how they presented that dish.

Overall, I had good time eating sushi once again. Niko Niko Sushi’s atmosphere was very pleasant and enjoyable because the displays were well put together having the usual Japanese sculpture, symbols placed on the walls, and the furniture that gives a Japan feel to it. People are attracted to Nkio Niko Sushi because they can experience a delicious part of Japanese culture without having to travel too far for it.


  1. Sushi is awesome! Great I love it and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The process of preparing the food itself is an art that needs to be honed and perfected. For example there is a type of sashimi called Ikizukuri which is served so fresh the fish’s heart is still beating when it is brought out! The chef requires years of training to gut and fillet the fish without killing the animal itself. It is quite expensive so I’ve heard, for I haven’t tried it myself. Fatty tuna, also known as toro is something you should consider if you are a sushi fan. Just leave the ikizukuri to the diehard fans.

    -victor nguyen

  2. I love Sushi, but I got to disagree with you on one part. It may just be me but a lot of people I know don't like sushi. Sure they love the California Roll and T.N.T roll but they don't like anything else, and for me, that isn't called eating sushi. In Japan eating sushi mainly means your eating the raw fish that sits on the rice not just California rolls. I like how in America there are more good cheap sushi restaurants that aims for young customers. I know in Japan its quite expensive. This is my first year in college and I'm not from around here so I'll have to try out this Niko Niko Sushi.
